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Thx a lot for both replies!!
vs this opening is always hard.
not all Amber decks have Kristoffer Wyld and Rusty Longsword
normally you try drop a Puwen at T2, worst case is your opponent T3 drop Aldon and kill your puwen.
Then T3 i still normally use BF, then T4 JD+Crippling Blow.
In later game use a +10hp attachment at the right time.
anyway human play first + perfect starting hand rush is always hard to handle unless you have Kristoffer Wyld *4 as well.
KA M Stevevai
KA M Stevevai
KA Keroro
My articles:
V1.5 Amber deck
V1.5 Majiya deck
V1.5 Gravebone deck
KA is a top chinese guild join our QQ group 134628232 if you are chinese or you can read chinese !
Yeah that's what i felt steve.
I'm really curious if there is an algoritm to decide who goes 1st in QM. I just checked and i started 3 of my last 11 games -.-"
It is completely random who starts each game. You just got unlucky. If you think about it long enough, you will see why trying to balance it out for each person over time would not work (i.e. skewing towards you starting your games more in future because you went 2nd 8 times). The law of averages will do all the balancing on its own, if you play enough games.
BTW, the chance of going second in 3 games out of 11 is approximately 10%. That's not that unlikely really.
Last edited by Gondorian; 08-05-2012 at 11:04 PM.
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The number of games I've gone 1st or 2nd is exactly even. And this is with over 1000+ games.
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wth? you record all your games?!
KA M Stevevai
KA M Stevevai
KA Keroro
My articles:
V1.5 Amber deck
V1.5 Majiya deck
V1.5 Gravebone deck
KA is a top chinese guild join our QQ group 134628232 if you are chinese or you can read chinese !
Yeah, i understand that in a high number of games, the 50-50 should improve my actual 1st%.
But if we really want the game to be as less luck-involved as posible, i think that a simple stat for each player can balance how many times a player goes 1st in QM. Just count the actual 1st% of both players, and make the player with the lower 1st% start the game.
Is just an idea to improve the experience in QM.
As always thx for the nice reply Gondorian.
Edit: 5 games, one 1st. Please think about a balancing algoritm xD
Edit: 2 more 2nds, ok i'm done for today.
Last edited by A-K; 08-06-2012 at 05:23 AM.